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Sustainable Utilisation

Sustainable utilisation is the responsible use of natural resources while benefiting the economy, society and the environment in a way that maintains the long-term health and productivity of the resources availability for future generations. It is an important conservation tool because it incentivizes communities with social and economic benefits to protect wild places and the animals that live within them. Making wildlife that rural communities are forced to live alongside valuable to those communities is the only way we are going to see a decrease in human wildlife conflict and habitat destruction. Both the needs of people and wildlife are considered under this practise making it a crucial and effective conservation strategy.

Mumembe Safaris makes use of the sustainable utilization conservation model in the form of Trophy Hunting. What we harvest yearly from our areas is a mere 1% or less of the total population of the particular species. This off-take pays for projects such as our community pledges such as schools, clinics and roads as well as the salaries of community members who work in camp or in our anti poaching units which protect the other 99% of the population that is not harvested.