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Luangwa Valley Concession

If you’ve read any of the great classics by writers such as Frederick Selous or Robert Ruark, you’ll know that free-roaming hunting is the pinnacle of hunting in Africa, particularly in the Luangwa Valley where they both wrote extensively about their big game hunting pursuits.

The Luangwa Valley is located in the eastern part of Zambia and is known for its diverse wildlife, pristine landscapes, and rich biodiversity. It encompasses South Luangwa National Park, North Luangwa National Park, and several game management areas. The valley is formed by the Luangwa River, which is a major tributary of the Zambezi River.

South Luangwa National Park is one of the most renowned national parks in Africa and is famous for its walking safaris. It is home to a wide range of wildlife, including elephants, buffalos, hippos, crocodiles, various antelope species, and over 400 bird species. The park is especially renowned for its predator populations, including lions, leopards, and wild dogs.

North Luangwa National Park is located to the north of South Luangwa and is less developed and more remote. It offers a true wilderness experience and is known for its populations of large mammals such as elephants, buffalos, and zebras. The park also supports a healthy population of black rhinos, which are critically endangered.

Game management areas surrounding the national parks in the Luangwa Valley also contribute to wildlife conservation efforts. These areas are often leased to private safari operators, and they work closely with local communities to promote sustainable tourism and protect the wildlife.

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Known for its diverse wildlife populations comprising of elephant, lion, leopard and buffalo to name a few, this is a hunter’s paradise. The Luangwa valley itself is part of the great rift valley and is dissected by the Luangwa River, a major tributary of the Zambezi River. To manage wildlife effectively in the region, it is divided into several game management areas (GMA’s). Each receive their own set of regulations and hunting quotas. The GMAs are strategically designated buffer zones surrounding the National Parks namely the North Luangwa and south Luangwa National Parks.

Mumembe Safaris took over management of the Chisomo concession in 2020. An area once ravaged by poaching and mismanagement is thriving today due to the commitment of Peter Michael and the team who took over the 1 000 000 acres with the mission to regenerate the wilderness and empower the forgotten local community. The main safari Camp is located on the banks of the Luangwa River meaning that hippo and elephant are a common sight from your safari tent. The Chisomo GMA is found directly below the South Luangwa National Park which feeds game into the area, however due to our successful conservation initiatives we have found that we too are feeding game back into the national park making this area a testimony of the effectiveness of sustainable utilizations through trophy hunting.